Ozona Systems Consulting Services Mission/Strategy Statement

We will make every effort to place experienced, local computer professionals
on quality temporary assignments with a minimum of overhead and maximum
earning potential for the consultant. This strategy is expected to create a
loyal following that will provide the client with a good selection of talent
at competitive billing rates.

We will develop systems with inherent robustness and longevity, regardless of
the extant technology utilized for original implementation.

Having been a consultant myself, I am looking out for my consultants like a 
new parent wanting to do as well or better than they had. By relying on referrals, 
rather than advertising and using expensive databases to skim buzzwords, I talk to 
new referrals and match them up as best I can. My inspiration was the (late?) Ed
O'Brien who treated us so well at GTEDS (before it became Verizon). - Chris Clement